Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A chicken in every...

I stopped in at the school today and was talking to my friend Terri about her crazy day. She's the head secretary there and it had been quite a stressful day. She said, "I just want to go home and put my PJs on...Guess it's popcorn for dinner tonight!"
"Hmmmmm", I thought. "I've done breakfast for dinner, even lunch for dinner and occasionally dessert first, but never have I thought of having popcorn for dinner..."
Well, I pulled my "watch me pull a pot pie out of my hat" routine. I offered for her to stop by my house after work and I'd give her a chicken pot pie for their dinner tonight. Terri said,"I love chicken pot pie but I never make it." I told her my short cuts and why I'd like to do this for her. She was reluctant but thrilled and a deal was struck.

Chicken pot pie is one of my "go to" meals. I always have the ingredients on hand and I can throw one together in no time. Now stop right there if you're thinking to yourself, "That's too much work, I'd never do that!"
It isn't as if I tenderly craft a delicate, flaky pie crust, saute fresh vegetables and make a sumptuous gravy. No, I grab a box of ready made pie crusts, two cans of mixed vegetables, a can of cream of mushroom soup, and cook some chicken breasts or sometimes just use canned chicken. Put the pie together and...Viola! 350 degrees and 45 minutes later you have a comforting meal. Serve it with a fresh salad or fruit and you've got it made.

Now, of course it's not gourmet, and may be higher in sodium and carbs and fat than one would like, but it's a meal in a pinch that most everyone likes. No one seems to care about the lack of finesse with which it was made. And the ingredients are such that I can keep them on hand. [In fact at a local discount market where they sell things near their pull date, I recently picked up boxes of name brand pie crusts for next to nothing and put them in my freezer for future "hat tricks."] You can also use dry box mix for the crusts. Or, if you don't want to bother with crusts, make Shepherd's pie and top with instant potatoes.

My husband was telling me the other day, "I like pies! I like chicken pot pies, I like berry pies, apple pies...most anything you put in pie form, I love!" Heck, he even will eat quiche and he's a real man.;)

So give it a try and see if this doesn't become one of your go to meals. It's great to take to a friend who is sick or stressed or just had a baby or lost a loved one.
Try adding your favorite herbs and ingredients to make it your own.
To me, Pot pies have the same effect as homemade bread, the recipient is impressed and feels loved because you took the time to bake it for them.
So say huzzah! for a chicken pot pie in every oven and save the popcorn for the movies!

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