Sunday, November 25, 2012

Counting blessings and Blessing others

 My friend posted this on Facebook and I thought it was such a great idea that I wanted to share it with you even though it's a little late for Thanksgiving.....
This year for Thanksgiving we did a thankful jar. A few weeks before I put a jar in the kitchen and we had until Thanksgiving day to fill it with all of the things we were thankful for. My kids loved it! During dinner I read all the slips of paper while we were eating. We had a lot of being thankful for our family and food, but here were my favorite two:

Marcus wrote - "I'm thankful for the light so it shows the way to go." (Gotta admit Momma got a little choked up on this one. It has a literal meaning, but a deeper spiritual one as well.)

And then this one from Raquel had the whole table dying with laughter - "I'm thankful for Mommy and Daddy's knowledge of zombies so when they come we will be prepared." (Ha ha ha!! I think I talk a little too much about my favorite show The Walking Dead!!)
Rather than waiting a year to do this kind of thing, how about collecting in a jar, notes of "gifts" family members have given (like random acts of kindness) during the week and reading them together at Sunday dinners during the month of December? What better way to get in the true spirit of giving?!

Thanks for the idea Traci!